
At-Home Workout

It’s reached that time of year when everything feels just a little bit useless. Summer makes you feel hot, and lazy, and suddenly you get a war flashback to your New Year’s Resolution. You were supposed to be exercising more this year, weren’t you? It’s hard to exercise when you’re trying to save money, because everything is all about what shoes make you run better, or what shirts make you look less sweaty, and those all cost far too much money. Here are some simple, at-home ways you can work out without anyone knowing that you’re wearing last season’s Nike Airs!

People often forget that walking is exercise, and that it can actually be pretty exhausting. Have you ever been absolutely shattered after a day at a theme park? It’s probably because you didn’t sit down for even a second, walking non-stop around the whole place. A great thing to do is to head out for a walk around town, or your block, or even just pushing the trolley at the supermarket. Anything that gets you out of the house is something that you wouldn’t have been doing if you didn’t, if that makes sense. Maybe even rope someone in to keep you company, so you can chat while you’re doing it!

If you’re more into weights and strength training, though, you don’t actually have to buy a bunch of fancy equipment to do it. If you go to a garden centre and buy some sandbags, you could shove them into a sturdy backpack, and use that like a big weight to lift up and down, run with, or throw. The same goes for those big, Doomsday-prepper style water bottles, which are really good to use as a sort of kettlebell when you’re working on your legs. Easy peasy, and barely even grazing the price of a whole weight set.

One thing that’s really surprised people about Covid-19 is, and it’s not what you think, the popularity of the late 80’s kid’s TV show, Mousercise. In it, the Disney gang take you through a series of exercises together, with a sports coach, incorporating dance, aerobics, and bits of yoga. If the Mouse really isn’t your style, then the classic Jane Fonda ones, or the newer Chloe Ting Two Week Ab Shred, all do the same sorts of things.

Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst.