
Internet Savings

On this new section, we’re going to introduce all of the things on the internet that can help you with saving, whether it’s free games you can play on your computer, free video streaming websites, or pages that help you get things for free, we’re going to be dissecting them all here. This week, we’ll be looking into browser extensions and how those can help you save.

A good, free browser extension is Honey, which pops up every time you’re at a checkout on a website. Honey then scrapes the entire internet for coupon codes, and automatically plugs them into the website to help you get a better price for whatever you’re buying. Obviously, at Seven Dollar Millionaire we prefer not buying things at all, but if you’re doing your grocery shopping online, or desperately need to buy new trousers after accidentally ripping them chasing a schnauzer your dogwalking sidehustle. If you add Honey to your browser, it will help you knock off those dollars from the price to help you afford whatever it is you need.

Another good extension is AdBlocker. You might not think that AdBlocker would help you save money, but you’ll be amazed how much less you buy when you’re not being inundated by ads for new perfume, shoes, or houseboats. It helps you ignore the fact that you’re not spending, and lets you focus on your new frugal lifestyle without the feeling that you’re missing out.

Finally, on to another kind of saving. Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees every forty searches you type into the searchbar, meaning that you can plant trees just by going about your daily life. You get lovely updates on the trees that you’ve planted, how they’re doing, and where they are. It may not be saving money, but it is saving the planet!

Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst.