
The Great Outdoors

Weekends are always so tough to stay at home for, so this week we decided that we should head outside! The Summer is winding down, the bugs have started to retreat, and there’s no better way to spend the last few dregs of sunlight than in the great outdoors. Here are some fun activities to do outside, for free!

Parks are sorely undervisited in the information age, but I promise they’re just as fun as when you were a kid. If you go in the evening or later at night, when there are fewer kids around, the swings and slides are still open if you want to have some carefree fun. If not, many parks light up the walkways in the dark for cooler strolls, highlighting the trees and plants in ways that you probably didn’t realise. This time of night is also really great for animal spotting, as owls, bats, and cute animals like voles and doormice often only come out at night when it’s cool, or you could pick a grassy knoll to while away the time stargazing.

In the day, why not go GeoCacheing?  GeoCache is a form of online treasure hunt, where you follow the map on your phone to the coordinates to dig up hidden treasure (you put it back after, of course!). It’s a great way to learn to see your city with new eyes, as you’ll be scanning the surroundings for the special landmark you need to complete your journey. Gather some friends together, bring a waterbottle and some sturdy shoes, and get trekking!

Photo by Tomáš Hustoles from Burst.