The best thing about the internet is that there is a community for everything. Male My Little Pony fans? A specific group for the people super interested in the 2012 sleeper-hit The Lorax? FaceBook pages for people all pretending that they are the orcs from the Lord of the Rings? All of those are real, by the way. That also means that there are groups for people who want to learn how to save more money, and to improve their life.
Reddit is often the best place to find groups like these. For budgeting, try out r/YNAB, which is a great place to learn how to lay out budgets, what should go in them, and how often they ought to be updated. Alternatively, r/PersonalFinance is the place to go if you want to ask questions about trickier things, as it is often frequented by lawyers and counsellors ready to give advice. Plus, most subreddits often have a Discord server (which is a free app that serves to host a chat forum), meaning you can make friends and talk more with these people on a private platform, rather than on Reddit.
Or, sometimes, you just need to laugh at yourself. The subreddit r/frugal_jerk is filled with jokes and memes about the lengths people will go to to save money. Sure, we’re all frugal, but are we ‘rent a car the same model as yours for a day and then swap all the tyres out for your tyres so you have a new set of tyres for $75’ kind of frugal? Probably not. Sometimes you just need to let off a little steam and laugh with everyone else at some of the hilarious antics people go through to cut corners. Maybe you’ll end up on there one day!
Of course, there’s always the Thousand Dollar Journal FaceBook page. Sure, call me a shameless plug, but we like to host challenges, post photos, and create a sense of inclusivity with everyone on their saving journey. We’re looking forward to post more in the coming weeks with the launch of the journal, so keep your eyes peeled and your QR code scanners at the ready!
Photo by Shopify Partners from Burst.