
Beep Test

Working out for free has become so much easier during this period of lockdown, as so many personal trainers have moved onto YouTube to keep their business moving. Today, we’re going to be reviewing a few at-home workout styles and routines, to help you work out what is best for you to keep fit for free!

Perhaps the woman who has benefited the most from quarantine is Chloe Ting, renown online for her ‘ab shredder’ challenges. Her channel claims that she can give you abs in two weeks! At first click, it seems too good to be true. A little more reading uncovers the sad reality: you will get abs in two weeks, but oh boy, will it hurt. Her exercises are all weightless, and can be done from the comfort of your bedroom, but the combination of one-handed planks, Russian cossack squats, and crunches that seem to have been designed in a Medieval torture chamber will leave you sweaty, tired, and sore. With a loyal squad of people posting their transformation videos, it’s hard not to join in.

Maybe traditional working out really isn’t your style. The channel MadFit has put together a collection of videos set to classic songs of the ’00s, ’90s, and ’80s for you to dance to, promising a solid fifteen minutes of calorie-burning boogie. My personal favourite is the delightfully cheesy One Direction video, but I’ll be the first to admit that it does become very hard to dance while you’re busy trying to hit Zayn’s classic high note in Night Changes.

Or maybe you’d prefer an all-rounder workout that’s not too challenging, complete with disturbing visuals starring beloved TV characters? Mousercise ran on Disney Junior early mornings in the ’80s before school, and has become a cult classic for rainy P.E. days. Deceptively difficult and a true treasure trove of ’80s haircuts, Mousercise is enjoyable for both adults and kids. If Kellyn can lead a workout wearing the world’s tightest spandex overalls and a metric tonne of hairspray, then the least you can do is follow along.

Photo by Shopify Partners from Burst.