All We Have To Do Now is Add Some Zeroes

Here’s how we add some zeroes to our wealth. You know the Seven Dollar Millionaire mantra by now:

It takes a little over two weeks for seven dollars a day to turn into $100. That’s our first three figures. A one and two zeroes.

It takes another 19 weeks for us to add another zero, bringing us up to $1,000. That’s a huge step. It’s a great emergency fund. In 2018, 40% of Americans and British people didn’t have $500. You’ll be double that in a few months.

Keep that up for four years, and you’ll add another zero, and have $10,000. Five digits. Only two to go. Actually, if you’ve been investing your savings and getting a return of 7%, you should actually have $11,000. You earned and saved $10,000 and your investments made you $1,000.

Keep it up, and in 20 years’ time that will be $100,000, six figures

That will be a huge year for you, because if you keep saving $7 a day and investing for 7% returns, in that year, your money will make more money for your wealth than you do.

At $7 a day, you will have saved $2,555 a year, $25,550 in 10 years and $51,100 in 20 years.

Earning at 7% a year, after 20 years all your investments will have made you a grand total of $53,643. You will be worth more than a hundred thousand dollars, and your investing should have made more than half of that.

That’s why, although a Seven Dollar Millionaire takes 20 years to reach $100,000, it only takes 30 years more to make another $900,000 to reach a million, because their investments are now working much harder than them to make that extra money.

That depends on one thing more than anything else: 

Getting your money saved and into an investment account TODAY

Do that, and all you have to do is add some zeroes.