Building a Lucky Seven Dollar Streak

Why do we think that saving seven dollars a day is the simplest way to becoming a millionaire?

Well, it’s partly because that’s the smallest amount of money you need to save every day, while earning a reasonable return on your investments, that will get you there.

You could get there faster. You could save a million dollars in one month and be a millionaire. If we knew a fool-proof way how to do that, we’d do it too, don’t worry.

$7 is the smallest amount of money that can do this

Another reason is that it requires developing the habit of saving money. Maybe you find it “easier” to save a couple of hundred dollars every few months, but that’s unlikely to become a habit. If you can do something difficult but good for you every day for a few weeks, you have a chance of developing a strong habit.

Focus on saving money every day for a week, then you’ll feel stronger than you did before. Maintain the habit through the weekend and into a second week, and you’ll have a real sense of achievement. Take the habit into a second weekend and out into a third week, and it will start becoming part of who you are. At the end of a month, if you saved $200 more than you would have done without that habit, you’ll know you’ve moved a month closer to being a millionaire.

That’s how lucky streaks build

When you have a bad day, don’t let it slip either. Don’t beat yourself, don’t feel like a failure, just get back up and start saving again.

Bad days will happen, and they don’t define you.

Your successes define you and will build your future freedom. Save an extra $7 later in the week, and you’ll have caught up. This is how we become Seven Dollar Millionaires. Seven dollars a day, one day at a time.