What Is The Seven Dollar Millionaire System?

We think it is the simplest path there has ever been to becoming a millionaire. We think it is the way that all of us could follow and make sure we have a million dollars of assets by the time our careers are over. 

That’s it. It’s that simple. You’ve got this.

In some ways, the Seven Dollar Millionaire System is just making sure everyone knows that.

Job done. Read the two bullet points above one more time, and you know how to become a millionaire.

It’s simple, but that’s not the same as being easy. If it was easy to save $7 a day, and invest it for 7% returns, everyone would be doing it. 

How could we make it easier?

If you’d like to get those tips coming in to your messenger every day, helping you develop the habit of saving, head over to our FB page now, like it and send us a message. Our Seven Dollar MIllionaire Bot, Savannah, will reply immediately, and start sending you tips the very next day.

The Million Dollar Cheat Sheet

Each of the tips Savannah comes with a link to a page on this website, with more details. We know some of you just can’t wait to find out, so here for the people who always turn the back page.  This is our back page, and the links to all of the earlier pages. Once you are done, why not test yourself by doing THIS QUIZ!

Or do you just want to spend and pretend like you’re a millionaire for a short period of time, and then go back to having no money again?

The magic of compounding is how your money, when invested sensibly, can double and double again. To become a seven dollar millionaire, you only need to save $130,000. Compounding will do the rest.

Saving has to come before spending. In the dictionary, and in the seven dollar millionaire, it’s the only way it can happen.

Money you save and money you spend looks exactly the same. You need to separate them as soon as you can to make sure your savings get saved!

We’ve listed out seven of the world’s biggest wastes of money, but it’s more important that you decide what yours is. 

Would you pay 30x the current asking price for something? That’s what you’re taking out of your future savings…

Saving and investing can be scary, but don’t try to learn everything at one go. Take it one step at a time. Each stage will help you more than the last.

Measure how well you’ve done so far, what went right and wrong, so you can plan to do better. 

The 9 best ways to avoid falling for financial scams. These will hurt your wealth much more than a bad genuine investment. 

If you’ve started saving some money, earning some extra money on the side will help you get to a million dollars faster. 

13 days of saving must be lucky. Here’s how to turn a streak into a habit

Two weeks of $7 and you will have almost $100. Today we learn how to add four more zeroes to make it $1,000,000!

That’s right, small investments can do better than big ones, as long as they’re disciplined. You can use this – dollar cost averaging – immediately!

Yes, you can spend less money and do things that are important to you. More important than spending money, anyway. 

Believe in yourself and you can do it. You can save $7 and you can be a millionaire. 

There are at least four ways this will get easier over time. 

It might seem like a strange question for a millionaire website to ask, but you might not need a million dollars. You might need more or you might need less. Find out here

Yeah, we’ve been saving for 20 days. We can copy the best investor ever now

Go back to the top!

So that’s three ways you can start down the path to becoming a Seven Dollar Millionaire. 

  1. Subscribe to our Facebook page and get daily updates for 21 days.
  2. Click “Start Now” on our homepage and run through all of the pages above. 
  3. Or take a sneak peak at any of the pages above that you’d like to see more information on.